

In the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Atyrau region, a refresher course for civil servants who first entered the administrative civil service of corps “B” has been completed.

According to the results of the course, students, in addition to improving their professional knowledge and skills, defended the following project works relevant to the socio-economic development of the region.

— “Construction of 24 km of road in Tomarli village”
— “Construction of gymnasium school No. 50 p. Talgairan-2, Kayyrshakta rural district”
– “Construction of the communal market “Kayyrshakty”

The head of these projects is the director of the representative office of the Almaty University of Management in Atyrau, Professor, associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the branch – Jetpisova Aliya Baitleuovna.

Members of the commission for the evaluation of project work:
Ayazbaeva Nazerke Galymzhanovna-Head of the cabinet for the development and implementation of educational programs
Kuanysh Aigul Bazarbaevna-Member of the Atyrau Region Project Office, Head of the Department of Culture, Language Development and Archival Affairs
Nurbolat Alibekovich Sarmanov-Head of the State Revenue Department for Makat district, Master of State and Local Administration

We wish civil servants good luck in achieving their goals using project thinking skills in personal and professional life!