Today, the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Atyrau region has launched a retraining course for civil servants who have been appointed to the administrative leadership position of the “B” Corps for the first time.
The purpose of the course is to develop competencies for improving the efficiency of civil servants ‘ work.
During the course, students:
– Strategic management and leadership;
– Project and digital public administration;
– Effective communication;
– Regional component
possess professional and practical competencies, such as:
Zhannat Asylbekovna Nurtleuova, a freelance lecturer of the branch, master of Pedagogical Sciences, shared her official text and writing skills.
Within the framework of Communication Management, Senior Lecturer of the Atyrau region branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Moldabekov Yerkebulan Baigalievich delivered a lecture, where the audience was divided into groups and actively participated in an interactive discussion.
During the lecture, group and individual work on Communication Management, Leadership, official text and writing skills was carried out with the audience, questions were asked, answers were exchanged, and they took an active part.
In addition, at the end of the course, an information session was held on the rules of admission to the Academy for postgraduate education programs for 2022.