Our activity

The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the only higher education institution in the country that provides training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants.

The purpose of the activity of the branch of the Academy is to perform the functions of the Academy as a separate structural division of the Academy in the territory of Atyrau region, to represent and protect the interests of the Academy.


Formation of a new generation of civil servants capable of innovative, strategic thinking, capable of effectively solving strategic tasks of the state.


  • Development, organization and promotion of short-term practice-oriented training programs that change the consciousness of a civil servant and develop leadership qualities and future competencies
  • Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process.

Subject of activity of the branch of the Academy: 

  • implementation of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants, local government bodies and territorial divisions of the Central state bodies of Kazakhstan, staff of the diplomatic service, the courts, the judiciary, law enforcement officers, military personnel and civil servants, employees of state institutions, enterprises, legal entities with state participation, as well as persons interacting with governmental agencies;
  • development and implementation of project management in public administration;
  • systematic career guidance for master’s and doctoral studies of the Academy in the implementation of programs of postgraduate and additional education.;
  • interaction with state bodies on issues of public servants of Kazakhstan, subject to retraining and advanced training, and Advisory assistance to state bodies and civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of retraining and advanced training;
  • introduction of modern forms and methods of conducting classes in order to strengthen the practical orientation of training, its orientation to solving specific tasks of public service in the region;
  • implementation of programs for teaching the state language and other foreign languages to civil servants of local state bodies and territorial divisions of central state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, employees of state institutions, enterprises, legal entities with state participation, as well as persons interacting with state institutions;
  • organization and holding of seminars, meetings, conferences within the scope of the branch of the Academy, provision of other services, development of schedules, curricula and programs and their submission for approval by the Academy;
  • involvement of teachers, specialists in research and scientific and methodological work in coordination with the Academy, development and publication of educational and methodological literature. Creation of the necessary material and technical conditions for the organization of the educational process, the use of modern means of education;
  • informing the public about the activities of the Academy’s branch;
  • study of national and international experience in training civil servants and advanced educational technologies, generalization and use through forums and conferences in the field of education and science; development of international cooperation through forums and conferences in the field of education and science;
  • in coordination with the Academy, participation in the implementation of domestic and international programs and projects in the field of research and analytical activities and organization of events aimed at the commercialization of developed scientific technologies, products of creative and intellectual work.