DATES: January 31-February 04, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Formation of a human-centered model of public administration;
- Innovative model of public service;
- The way of thinking, methods and tools to stimulate innovation;
- Methods of generating ideas: practical tools;
- Development of criteria and evaluation of ideas. Customer journey map: visualization of the user's current and future path. Prototyping;
- The CPS framework is CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING. Criteria for the selection of dominant ideas;
- Service design as a human-centered approach to creating an optimal user experience;
- Practical use of design thinking: empathy. Formation of a "persona". Point of view (pov) - the ability to correctly understand what we are solving;
- Collecting feedback after the pilot launch of the innovation;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: February 07-11, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- "Negotiations" and the definition of their dynamic components;
- Bilateral negotiations; determination of the necessary conditions for effective negotiation in crisis situations;
- Negotiation and simulation;
- The role of a mediator in dual negotiation processes;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: February 14-18, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Introduction to Cost-Benefit Analysis in the public sector. Method of public policy analysis;
- Theoretical and practical overview of Cost-Benefit Analysis;
- Qualitative analysis of the public expenditure project;
- Quantitative analysis of the public expenditure project;
- General principles of cost-benefit analysis. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments. General criteria for the implementation of the public expenditure project;
- Digital skills;
- Working with data;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: February 21-25, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Ensuring compliance with legislation in the field of public services;
- Assessment of the quality of public services;
- Quality management of public services;
- Determination of the level of satisfaction of consumers of services;
- Improving the quality of public services;
- Proactive approach in the provision of public services;
- People orientation in the provision of public services;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: February 28-March 04, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Digital transformation within the framework of the national project "Technological Breakthrough through digitalization, science and innovation";
- Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of digitalization;
- Business process reengineering;
- Implementation of the Data Driven Government concept;
- Working with big data and cloud technologies;
- Information and cybersecurity;
- Practical tools for effective work within the framework of digital transformation and digitalization projects;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: March 28-April 01, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Basic steps and principles of data analysis;
- Procedure for working with information. Description and analysis of preliminary data;
- Methods and means of visualization and data processing;
- Visualization of source data;
- Analysis of graphs and diagrams;
- Acquaintance and experimentation with the visualization tool (Power BI, State, SPSS, etc.)SEMINARr models of management using BI solutions overview of the use of international satellite technologies statistical practice: statistical branches, methodological materials, examples of publications, information exchange system, regulatory framework in the process of data processing, etc.
DATES: April 11-15, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Local interethnic conflicts, subject, role and principles of mediation;
- Practical technologies for the prevention and regulation of interethnic conflicts;
- The algorithm of actions in the event of a tense and tense situation in the field of interethnic conflicts;
- Forms and methods of joint work of local government and self-government bodies with law enforcement agencies and the civil community;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: April 25-29, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- The main aspects and principles of the concept of the "Hearing State";
- "Hearing State— - a continuous dialogue between the state and society;
- Effective communication and personality typology;
- Communication management. Three giants of public speaking: from skill to skill. Parameters of speech technology;
- Communication barriers and methods of overcoming them;
- Working with New Media and Social Media in crisis: essence, principles, practical recommendations;
- Formation of public opinion: modern approaches to working with civil society;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: May 16-20, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- The difference between operational and strategic HR management;
- Strategic HR planning;
- 3 levels of strategic human resource development;
- Corporate culture and change management;
- Performance management;
- Management of "remuneration”;
- Current trends in personnel training and development. Key concepts and approaches;
- Development of a strategy for training and development, diagnosis of needsSEMINARr in training. Design of the learning process, planning and organization;
- Talent management;
- Integrated personnel management Information System "E-kyzmet";
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: May 30-June 03, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Methods and tools of regional policy analysis;
- Features of the development of the economy of cities and regions;
- Development of the State's regional policy on territorial development planning;
- Formation of regional policy;
- New approaches in the territorial development of the country;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: June 13-17, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- The new alphabet in Latin;
- Spelling rules, spelling norms of the official style;
- Reading official texts written in Latin;
- Writing memos, including in Latin;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: August 22-26, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Active acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of professional ethics and business image of a civil servant;
- Practical training sessions where the requirements for public speaking are based on specific practices;
- Improving the level of personal effectiveness based on foreign and domestic practices;
- Problems and prospects of ethics and image of a civil servant;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: 05-09 September 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Risk management: an overview of the basic concepts. Project risks;
- Identification and classification of risks;
- Risk assessment;
- Risk management strategies;
- Risk management plan;
- Risk management system in the organization;
- Recommendations for a risk manager;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: September 19-23, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Spatial economics;
- Methods and tools of regional policy analysis;
- Features of regional economic development;
- Development of regional policy on territorial development planning;
- The main issues of municipal property management of local self-government, the formation of regional policy;
- New approaches in the territorial development of the country.
DATES: October 03-07, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Project management;
- International experience;
- Project Management Standards;
- Project. Program. Briefcase;
- Organization strategy;
- Operational activities;
- Organizational structure;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: October 17-21, 2021
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Legislative novelties on combating corruption;
- Legal basis of anti-corruption compliance;
- Methodological recommendations on the organization of anti-corruption compliance;
- Formation of an anti-corruption culture in the organization;
- Anti-corruption restrictions o analysis of corruption risks;
- Sources of information for internal analysis of corruption risks;
- Conflict of interest;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: November 07-11, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Challenges and difficulties faced by female managers in a managerial position;
- Features of the formation and manifestation of women's leadership qualities in the process of building a vertical career model;
- Women in Leadership: Maintaining a work-life balance;
- Tools and technologies for the development of leadership competencies of women managers in the civil service;
- Influence strategies in the team and organization;
- Overcoming internal barriers to career and professional development;
- Working with the principles of profitability;
- Analysis of practical cases.
DATES: November 21-25, 2022
DURATION: 5 days, 40 academic hours
- Implementation of project management in the public sector;
- International experience. Project Management Standards;
- Regional policy: strong regional instruments;
- Project management levels: project, program, portfolio;
- Overview of the concepts of project management and their relationship;
- People and processes. Competencies of the project manager;
- Project Limitations;
- Implementation of public policy through digitalization;
- New modern trends in public administration.
Nazerke Ayazbayeva
A branch of the Academy in the Atyrau region
Head of the Office of development and implementation of educational programs
Tel.: 8 (7122) 51 94 92